How to Submit a Sponsorship Offer

To submit a sponsorship offer select the event from your event feed, add it to your cart, complete checkout, and apply your activation.

Review Event Details

Click on an Event Tile to see additional information about the event

Add Events to Your Cart From the Event Feed

Click Add to cart from the Event Tile or Event Details View. 

Continue to View Cart Summary

Continue to review a confirmation screen for the events you have selected. You may choose to remove or add events to your Saved for Later list before completing your purchase.

Review Cart - Remove Events & Save for Later

Review the items in your cart. You can remove any events that by clicking Remove. If you want to save an event to come back and add it back to your cart you can click Save for Later. When you are ready to purchase an event from your Saved for Later list, click Move to Cart from your Saved for Later list to be added back into your Cart.

Continue to Checkout and Finalize the Purchase

To finalize your purchase you must

  1. Accept the terms of service by selecting the checkbox
  2. Click Purchase and continue to apply the correct activation

Apply Your Activation to Each Sponsorship Offer

Activation information allows the events to understand your on-site experience, what your activation will include, and items you are requesting from the event organizer. Each organizer is able to review your sponsorship offer and choose to accept or reject it. Please provide as much detail as you can about why your activation would be attractive for their event.

Apply your activation by selecting it from the drop-down menu for each item, if you wish to create a new activation or create your first activation click here. We review each activation before adding it to your profile and may take up to 24hrs, you will be notified when it is ready

**Each sponsorship offer must have an activation applied to submit your offers. 

Once all activations have been applied click Submit

View Sponsorship Offer Status on Your Event Schedule

To view the status of your sponsorship offers click Schedule in the top navigation. You can have multiple schedules with sponsorship offers on them. To view your schedules click the Schedule drop-down to select your schedule.

You can click each sponsorship offer to preview it