How to edit an existing event experience

  1. Login to your recess account and select the experience that requires the update
  2. With every new venue, calendar date and asset that is added there will be a new draft created that must be published on the partnership page
  3. If only editing existing inputs (without adding new venues/dates/assets), you will not need to re-publish but assure it is saved before logging out
  4. Below are the section recommendations per input. 
  5. Signup Page 1: Experience – Tell us about your audience and what their experience is all about
    1. Title
      1. Name of your experience or event
      2. Ex: Coworking Happy Hour, Friday Night Family Movie, Coachella
    2. Experience Types
      1. Tell sponsors how you would categorize this experience
      2. Ex: 5k Run, Music Festival, Vegan Event
    3. Audience Types (optional):
      1. Tell sponsors about the kind of people who will attending
      2. Ex: Sports Fans, Gamers, Age: 25-34
    4. Activity Types (optional):
      1. Tell sponsors about the activities that attendees will engage in
      2. Ex: Live Music, Food Vendors,
  6. Signup Page 2: Availability – Where and when will sponsors be able to get your audience's attention
    1. Click Add New Date
    2. Select a timeframe for this date
      1. Ongoing: no specific end date (ex: coworking spaces and fitness studios opened indefinitely)
      2. Event Dates: has a start & end date (ex: 5k runs and music concerts that start/stop on scheduled days)
    3. Set the Recurrence for this date: Does this audience listing happen more than once? (ex: repeats annually, monthly, or does not repeat)
    4. Venues that host this date: Setup the locations that host this experience on this date
      1. Click Add New Venue
      2. Venue Location: Venue, Regional, or National
      3. Venue Name: Enter a recognizable name for this venue
      4. Venue Type: Select what kind of establishment this venue is
      5. Venue Setting: Let sponsors know if their audience will be indoors, outdoors or both
      6. Available Storage: Select all the storage facilities that will be available to sponsors
      7. Max Number of Pallets: How many pallets are you able to receive and store at a time?
      8. Posting Platforms: Let brands know which platforms are available for them to post a message
  7. Signup Page 3: Assets – Define all of the ways a sponsor can engage with your audience
    1. Click Add New Asset
      1. You can set up as many assets as you need, just add them one at a time.
    2. Select and proceed to add the type of new asset being added
      1. Item Distribution: Allow a Sponsor to ship their products and/or marketing material to you so your team can hand items out to people.
        1. Segment Name: Name the segment specifying where this inventory will be placed
        2. Segment Description: Give sponsors a better idea of what this distribution area is like
        3. Services: Let sponsors know which services your team is able to provide and upcharge for
        4. Photos: Upload pictures showing the area where samples will be handed out for this segment
        5. Hosted at these Venues: Select the venues this Asset is available at and click Add Capacity
          1. On the sampling capacity page - set the max samples per day/date and review/agree to the promotional item payout estimate rates
      2. On-Site Activation: ​​Allow a sponsor to bring travel to your venue in person so they can engage with your audience directly.
        1. Set Your Daily Pricing:
        2. Set Reach: estimated attendance/handouts per day
  8. Signup Page 4: Partnership – Promote your listing
    1. Pitch: Brief elevator pitch to help sponsors understand the opportunity
    2. Photos: Upload pictures showing what this experience is all about
    3. Brand Partners: List past or current brands you have partnered with so a sponsor is confident that you know how to do this!
    4. Setup Exclusive Categories: Let sponsors know if you already have an exclusive deal with a partner for certain categories which will not be available for purchase
    5. Setup Prohibited Categories: Let sponsors know of any categories that are not allowed
  9. Signup Page 4: Preview – Review this Experience
    1. This section will notify you if there are any sections missing inputs keeping you from being able to publish
    2. Once all required inputs have been made the Enhancements section will recommend areas of improvement to provide more information to interested brands
    3. Once all final updates have been made, click Publish on the upper right once ready to show active to interested Brands